Safe imaging is optimal imaging. Lead the way for your practice.

Your Safety Matters Be Radiation Safe

By following these guidelines and maintaining a strong culture of radiation safety awareness in veterinary practice, you can help protect both the health of the staff and the animals under your care.

Positioning techniques & tips for acquiring good images

Top Tips for equine radiography to ensure the safety of both the patient and the personnel involved, and to achieve high-quality imaging results. Always follow established safety protocols and best practices when performing equine radiography.

Restraint & Safety

  • Ensure your patient is appropriately restrained and sedated if necessary.
  • Minimise the number of people in the ‘Controlled Zone’ who may be exposed to radiation.
  • Everyone in the Controlled Zone should be over 18 and not pregnant.
  • Everyone involved should stand as far from the beam as possible. Limit scatter by collimating as closely as possible.

Safety Aids

  • Ensure anyone in the Controlled Zone is wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This includes lead gowns, lead gloves if appropriate, and thyroid protectors.
  • Dosimeters must also be worn.
  • If you are not able to use a plate holder, it is important to wear lead gloves and ensure these are kept out of the primary beam.


  • The X-ray machine should be positioned on a stand and not hand-held.
  • Take time to position the horse, X-ray machine and plate accurately, with the plate perpendicular to the beam and an appropriate (1 metre) distance away.
  • Use your exposure chart to get the exposures correct the first time.

Safe imaging is optimal imaging. Lead the way for your practice.

Make radiation safety a priority in your practice by downloading the VET.CT FREE radiation toolkit including:

• Top tips guide

• Equipment list

• Radiography log